Since there was no guest bath or coat closet (which is a MUST in Michigan) on the first floor, I decided that needed to be one of the first interior construction projects. The original blue print for the house included a 1/2 bath on the first floor but the previous owners did not include it. I needed to fit the new powder room & closet into the foyer area (the only space available) so it would flow with the rest of the space and not make the foyer seem tight and awkward.
I added bead board wainscoting (I used a prepackaged kit) to give the room some architectural detail. To get the wainscoting to the needed height - higher than the sink, I needed to double the bottom trim. I used the prepackaged kit since I thought it would be quicker to install than individual boards. I would only recommend boards/kits that look like real individual bead boards and not the paneling that just has grooves cut into it.
Love it all! You will have to help me,,,for real.